Written by Tavishi Dogra | Updated : May 26, 2022 7:21 PM IST
The stubborn acne always pops up at your worst moments. But have you ever thought of treating them with natural remedies? You might already have several treatments at your place for acne, but unfortunately, you are unaware of them. You can combine everyday ingredients and foods, such as coconut oil, lemon, neem, and rice, to a mask and make an acne remedy. In addition, these facials will also prevent acne and help keep your skin moistened, shining, and restorative.
It is rich in anti-microbial properties. If you have severe pimples and acne stains on your face, then you should use apple vinegar on your face. It also reduces the swelling of the spots on your face.
With most acne treatments, you will want to use the remedy every day for the safest results. This includes tea tree oil:Also Read Tired Of Acne Due To Harmful Colors? Here's How To Protect Your Skin This HoliSkin Care Habits You Should Follow During Acne TreatmentLooking For Ways To Tackle Hormonal Acne? Expert Suggests 4 Quick Home Remedies More News
To reduce blackheads, acne and whiteheads, you need four tablespoons of orange peel powder, four tablespoons of lemon peel powder, a handful of dried neem leaf powder, and five tablespoons of rice powder.
It can help make your skin super clean and oil-free by removing blackheads and whiteheads.
Coconut oil is used in food, nourishing hair, and especially skincare. It contains plenty of antioxidants and vitamin E both help make good tissues in the skin.
If you follow this home remedy every day, the acne stain will disappear soon.
Absolutely! Toners based on neem, cucumber, and lemon help reduce inflammation and reduce the redness of the skin. In addition, toners help prep the skin and make the skin plump and hydrated. They also improve overall skin tone. For people with acne-prone or oily skin, toners are most necessary and helpful those who want extra cleansing after wearing other heavy skin products or makeup such as sunscreen.
These are some of the everyday tips to heal acne-prone skin. To know more, you should consult your doctor.
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